Lloyd St Bridge was commissioned as a means for ambulances and emergency vehicles to quickly cross the Midland train-line without stopping to reach the...
The Gateway WA realignment project was the largest ever road barrier package in Western Australia’s history! The project incorporated huge changes...
Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed for the Anketell Rd Realignment project: Over 500m of W-Beam barriers ET2000 TL3 End Terminals...
Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed all Wire Rope Safety Barriers and Guardrail for this essential Perth link the Kwinana Free-way.
Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed Thrie-beam bridge barriers for the Dongara Bridge 1026 upgrade.
For the City of Canning, Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed the following items for this road upgrade project on the...
Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed this car park barrier to protect electrical assets in Tuart Hill.
Safety Barriers WA supplied and installed w-beam guardrail to protect road users and pedestrians from a nearby reinforced wall hazard...
The Nammuldi Water Table Project involved over 8 kilometres of W-beam for the Nammuldi Mine Site expansion to enable the...
Brand Highway is a major inter-regional express route linking Perth and Geraldton. Brand Highway carries a large volume of traffic,...